Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Town Highway/Village DPW Merger Analysis

The Saugerties Town & Village officials will continue to meet to discuss the potential merger of highway departments.  But, will this potential merger help ALL the taxpayers of the town (unlike the police merger)?

According to my analysis (to view click here) a merger of the two departments can benefit both village and town residents under the following scenarios:

  • Combined personnel costs are reduced by 10% from current levels (NO LAYOFFS!!!); and,
  • Current equipment, material, etc. expenses for the Village can be reduced by 25%.
If the above conditions can be met, Village residents will see a 37% property tax savings while highway-related property taxes will remain flat for non-Village residents.  If the merger results in even greater personnel and equipment/materials savings than described above, non-Village residents will actually save money with the potential for increased services!

While there are many details to be worked out, this is a merger that could benefit ALL Saugerties taxpayers provided certain benchmarks are met.  Hopefully, the Town and Village will be able to reach a mutually beneficial agreement (without anyone losing their job) in the near future.  


  1. My wife and I are recent residents to Saugerties. Glad to find positive efforts for services and cost containment on top of the fact that Saugerties actually IS very friendly. Dr. D Howells

  2. no way the taxpayers in the town will pay more.
    they make it look good on paper. but the end will cost more
