Friday, March 10, 2017

Cost Saving Idea - Town/County Health Insurance

Government consolidation is in the news as Governor Cuomo announced a $20 million competitive grant program to encourage consolidations and restructurings.  In order to be eligible for a grant, the proposal much prove it lowers property taxes.

Recently, an official from another town told me about a proposal floated a few years ago to have the towns and county purchase employee health insurance as a large group.  The theory that the combined work forces had enough employees to provide a discount of up to 20% of what the towns/county are paying.  Sadly, the idea never advance beyond the discussion phase.  All municipal governments saw big increases in health benefits last year.  

I believe this proposal should be revisited.  According to my calculations, a 20% reduction in health premiums would save $418,000 and lower property taxes by 4.4%.  

Health Benefits
20% savings
General Fund
Outside Village
Total Savings